Friday 12 October 2012

In Loving Memory

It is with deep sadness that we write today as a family to tell you of the passing of Moannie on Monday 8th October 2012.

We would like you all to know that your messages and gifts have been, throughout her long illness, a genuine source of comfort to her and to us all. She would often talk about her 'blogging', the friends she had made and the wonderful stories you told. She thought of you as her extended family and one of the most upsetting effects of her illness was the fact she could no longer 'talk' to you all from her beloved, if temperamental computer 'Paco'.

Although this will be the last posting on her blog, as a tribute to Mum and you, her followers, 'The View From This End' will remain live so that we can all continue to spend time with her.

Mum, you touched so many lives. We hope you realise just how much.

You are loved and missed.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Sunday evening catch up

Just a short post to tell you all that Mum/Moannie was readmitted to the Hospice on Wednesday; whilst her meds are being reviewed and a hospital bed is being installed at home for her and her carers convenience.

Mum is very tired at the moment as her meds have given her some issues which need addressing and require her to be monitored. We expect her to return home by next weekend, where she will be more comfortable. The new bed, as I understand it,  is an all dancing and singing one, whereby she can alter the mattress for her back and legs, giving better support. Sounds great, I think I want one!!

This time obviously gives Dad/JP some respite to relax, catch up on sleep and doze in front of the French News this I am guessing he will be up a ladder out in the garde, hedge trimming, cutting down the overgrown bit and bobs that have been calling to him as he's been on duty with Mum. and he's naughty 'cos he knows he should be taking it easier himself ..but then have you ever tried to tell a french man what to do, when and how to do it!! No way Jose...I mean Jean- Pierre!

back here soon, meanwhile keep the positive thoughts coming...thank you!

Saz xx