Friday 12 October 2012

In Loving Memory

It is with deep sadness that we write today as a family to tell you of the passing of Moannie on Monday 8th October 2012.

We would like you all to know that your messages and gifts have been, throughout her long illness, a genuine source of comfort to her and to us all. She would often talk about her 'blogging', the friends she had made and the wonderful stories you told. She thought of you as her extended family and one of the most upsetting effects of her illness was the fact she could no longer 'talk' to you all from her beloved, if temperamental computer 'Paco'.

Although this will be the last posting on her blog, as a tribute to Mum and you, her followers, 'The View From This End' will remain live so that we can all continue to spend time with her.

Mum, you touched so many lives. We hope you realise just how much.

You are loved and missed.


  1. You know what you meant to me. Can't say anything else. I love you.

  2. Here is a place where I and many others will come and visit you often. To hear your voice.

    I still cannot believe you've gone, but then for me you haven't gone at all. You are always with me.

    Love always Mumma and I can hear you saying, with a slight smile...
    'I love you more!'

    Sazzie xx

  3. saz, i think of you and jp...

    your mum,

    all the rest of your family)))

    much love to you all)))

  4. She will be missed! Love to you all.

  5. Moannie touched so many lives with her wonderful stories. I am sorry for your loss, and ours to. Saying a prayer.

  6. I remember when she put of this recent photo of herself. It did capture her spirit and she was pleased with it. I have a number of friends who passed through my blogging life and I like when their blogs remain a memorial to their memory. Miss you much, Moannie!

  7. Love to you and JP and the family. She will be greatly missed, but thanks for leaving us a cyber connection.

    Now you can fly and soar, Moannie, dear.

  8. Heartfelt condolences to you all. I hope you will find some comfort lingers through this blog.

    1. thank you each and every one of you...we are so thankful and it is a reminder of the power of the written word .... it cannot be under estimated..


  9. Will miss you dear one - I knew you well even tho' you and I never met or even 'spoke' to each other. I sat on the sidelines and lived your life with you
    Bye for now
    commenting via blogger

  10. I'm truly very sorry. I learned a lot just from reading her words. We're all better people for having known her.

  11. Very sorry to read this post. I always valued Moannies's thoughtful comments and enjoyed her stories about a childhood that I could not begin to imagine.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss - and ours! Although we never met in person, I was hoping to meet her (and you) some day when I came to England. She will be greatly missed here, but not as much as you will miss her. She was a true lady. My condolences to JP and your brother as well.


  13. I want to thank you for leaving Moannie's blog here for us to come visit. It will be a comfort as we read her words of humor and wisdom. My mom also left my dad's blog up and I often go back and read his mispelled words and laugh at his jokes. I know you will find comfort in coming back and visiting with her thoughts again and again.

    There are no words that can be said to relinquish the pain from her loss. Just know that there are many, many of us out here in blog land who care about you and your family and will be praying for you to find peace.

    I will miss Moannie terribly. Hugs.

  14. Will miss her wonderful sense of humor, so sorry to see it end. May you and your family find comfort and joy in the happiness she brought to so many people.

  15. I will miss prayers to you her family. I will visit her blog and remember.

  16. There isn't enough space in this lil white box for what my heart feels.
    Look out for jp n milou, sara
    Much love to all

    Love you, Annie, and miss you already. Save me a seat close by.

    1. Rick you are right as usual...not enough room here... don't you worry I am look out duty love,
      saz x

      Mum resonates with every touch of the keyboard and each moment we visit

      many heartfelt thank you's to you all..

      I shall be showing Jp/Dad these messages of love, when I visit on Wednesday

      saz xx

  17. She is missed. Thank you for leaving us her thoughts and stories. And those drawings...

  18. Hugs to you and yours, Saz. Your mother is much loved and very missed.

  19. the blogging community really is just that...a community knit together through networks of temperamental computers. i've gained so much love and support from my blog friends and i do dearly hope in these last many months that moannie and her family derived comfort and strength from those of us out here in the ether who love her and you all. i shall miss her stories and her comments at my place. i am glad you'll leave this page live. rest in peace, dear moannie.

  20. Dear Moannie - she reached out to me with a heartwarming comment in the very early days of my blog. She will be much missed and always thought of with love. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  21. My most heart felt condolences with your loss. May she rest in peace.

  22. So sorry to know this. May God give strength to bear this loss.

  23. I knew of your Mum mostly from my partner, Hilary (Smitten Image). Seems she was one of the good'uns -- those who leave the world a better place for having passed by.

    I'm sorry for those who mourn her. I'll raise a glass in praise of her life.

  24. Condolences with Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  25. so very sorry for your loss...may she rest in peace.

  26. My heartfelt condolences go out to you, Saz, and to your entire family. Your Mum was one hell of a woman, wasn't she! I, for one, will remember so many of her stories and carry with me so much of her wisdom. She's free now...a beautiful spirit, not in pain, and flying high. Love and stength to you all. x

  27. I will definitely be missing you Moannie.
    It is a sad loss but you are free from pain and suffering, my Bloggy friend. Will always remember you and your posts.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  28. Even though I knew this day would come I hoped it wouldn't. Your beautiful mom/moannie was one of the first people to comment when I started blogging a few years ago and I was lucky enough to meet her (and JP and Milou) twice...and
    she was as funny and kind and interesting in real life as her words showed her to be. I am glad she is no longer in pain, I am so very sorry for your loss, and she will be missed by so many, who will be glad that her blog will still be here for us to visit. Prayers and thoughts are with you all x

    1. we too always hoped libby...
      if you wish to email me please do so...

      sazfab at hotmail dot com


  29. Thank you so very much for taking time to share your loss with us. Your mother was a beautiful person.

  30. Thinking of you and your family during this tough time. We readers miss her terribly, and we only knew her through her blog... you knew her in real life, which is so much deeper. Thank you so much for being so generous of heart (as she was), for sharing her story with us when she no longer could.

  31. Sincere condolences to you and her family. A very lovely lady. A sad day.

  32. This is sad news. My impressions of Moannie was always - she is such a lady!
    She will be missed. I am sorry! Thank you for keeping us updated. That was very kind.

  33. I am so sorry for your loss

  34. Knowing it was coming and hearing it has happened are such different things. She was a warm, amusing, lovely person and I will miss her too. I feel for you all as you cope with the loss of her in your lives.

  35. My one regret in life, and I try to have none, is that I never met the spirit that is Moannie. She was full of energy and life and I loved her even before I had the pleasure of meeting ma soeur, Sara - I didn't even realise that you were family, such are the secrets of Blogland...

    I love you with my heart and soul. Your Mother's thoughts and words were very comforting to me, thank you for them, ma chere. Moannie has left a pure legacy with us here in Blogland, a mark to live up to. Such heart had she.

    You who survive, live, breathe, try to live up to her spirit and essence of love. You will miss her. Let no day go unmarked. With much love and longing <3

    1. I have been out working all day...and l have just turned on my Tosh...and find 36 messages or tribute to Mum....I am soo grateful and say so from us all..
      It makes me even more proud of Mum's accomplishments..if that is possible..
      Saz xx

  36. What a sad day this is. I only knew of your mum via the blogging world. She often commented on my blog with some genuine comments of encouragement. She was a great lady and will be missed so much by you all. Losing your mum is one of the hardest things you will go through. Sending you lots of hugs, strength and love x

  37. i am sorry for your loss. although i didn't know your mom, as soon as i pulled up this blog from hilary's place, i knew i had visited here before as a post of the week. i know your mom was well-loved by many. may you feel her love as you grieve.

  38. I am so sorry for your loss. I thank you for thinking of us and keeping us up to date so that we can offer our prayers and support. And thank you for keeping this space as it is for all to see.

    Peace be to Moanie, and her family and friends.

  39. and dont forget her temporary blog for a while oto... - more memories

    1. Thank you for reminding me..we must revisit there also....

  40. My deepest condolences to you and your family... She will be missed..

  41. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers in the loss of your Mother. I always enjoyed reading her blog, the stories she told and am very glad to learn we all can return here to refresh ourselves via her words and wisdom. Peace.

  42. What a lovely woman. How lucky you were to have known her in real time. How lucky we were to have known her here. Thinking of you all, we will miss you dear Moannie.

  43. Sad to come here and read this - my love to all the family.

  44. Such dreadful news. Moannie was a great reader, a brilliant writer and a wonderful friend. I loved reading her stories - always fascinating, always so well done, whether it was her childhood, or adulthood or the beautiful heartwarming stories about her life with JP. I wish we had more of those stories to remember her by - it was also a terrible shame when her blog posts went missing after she had trouble with her domain name.

    Saz - my condolences to you, your brother and JP. I hope you find consolation in hundred of happy memories, and dozens of well-intentioned strangers telling you that they wish they'd known Moannie a fraction as well as you did.

  45. Moannie - although you lived on the other side of the world than I do, your life touched mine. The way you saw beauty in every day things, your thoughtfulness and your talent for writing ... thank you for the mark you left.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. May He give you and your family the courage to deal with this tough time in your lives. I know that even though she wasn't keeping well since a long time, her passing would still have come as a big loss. One can never be prepared enough for a moment like this.

  48. I have written to you privately, Sara, so...

    Even though I knew this was coming, I am still heartbroken. Moannie was one of my favorite writers on the internet, always a stop I looked forward to making on my rounds. She entertained me highly through many hours of reading pleasure. I will sincerely miss her, and my fervent Christian hope is that we meet someday in a place where no pain can spoil the conversation.

  49. I am so very sorry for your loss ... Moannie's passing is a loss to the blogsphere ... but how wonderful her writing will be here forever

  50. Rest in Peace dear Moannie....

  51. Dear Saz - I left a message on your blog but also I am posting my comment here. I have been away from BlogLand for a while and I am very saddened to learn of the sad loss of one of our dearest friends, Moannie. She was a wonderful lady and I was privileged to know her and always thought of her with great affection. She was very kind to me and to everyone of her friends. I love the photo of her, Saz, absolutely beautiful. I am glad I was able to tell her from viewing previous photos that she was a very beautiful lady and she continued to be very beautiful on the inside right to the very end. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time - she will be greatly missed. Love and hugs ~ Eddie xx

  52. I seldom commented on your mother's blog, but I always read whatever she wrote. A wonderful voice has been silenced. She was an amazing storyteller.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you remember your mother as a beautiful woman of great wit and intelligence. She had a great deal of courage in the way she lived her life and dealt with her illness. Her spirit will not be forgotten. She is a role model for us her readers. God bless you all at this time.

  53. I appreciated Moannie's sharing heart and wicked sense of humor. I will miss hearing her voice on this blog. What a gift she was to us all. Thank you for the update.

  54. My thoughts are with you all.

  55. I am so sorry for your loss. Although I was a recent and sporadic reader, I always enjoyed her writing. I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers!

  56. Such sad times. I hope Moannie's spirit is gallivanting about in some happy place, saying the unsayable and stirring things up a bit. Thinking of all who loved and will miss her. She will never be forgotten x

  57. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I was a fan of your mother's blog and loved the way she shared herself with all of us. ((((hugs))))

  58. My deepest heartfelt sympathy to your family.
    It was not long ago that I discovered this blog via CJ (Rambles from my Chair), and I will continue to read and reread to keep her memory alive.
    May she rest in peace.

  59. My deepest sympathies to all who loved Moannie, the world was a better place with her in it. Her writing has inspired and moved me in ways I can't even begin to say. RIP Moannie and sincerest condolences Saz xx

  60. I never met the lady yet I feel I knew her. Rest in peace, Moannie your wisw words will live on.

  61. Sorry for the misprint but Moannie would probably smile!

  62. she always always made me smile and I fight the illness as well

  63. Her stories had great life and I aLWAYS felt I was walking with her..

    1. she adored you too..often spoke of you x

  64. I am so sorry to read of your Mother's passing. I loved to read her stories. My condolences to all her family.

  65. I am so very sorry to hear of Moannie's passing. I loved her stories, too, and her wonderful, sweet personality glowed through them. I felt I almost knew her, and I loved her viewpoint and her musings on life, and her irrepressible sense of humour.

    She was just the sort of person I hope I can be in her position.

    Rest in peace, Moannie. You were indeed well-loved.

    1. she did indeed inspire...and so I too aspire x

  66. I'd like to say thank you, too, for posting the message to let us all know.

  67. It's sad when a blog comes to end in this way, but may this one continue to serve as inspiration to Blogland for many moons, thanks to your decision to leave it in place as a fitting memorial of a wonderful lady.

  68. I found you through Woman in a Window.

    I just lost my Dad. My husband has been diagnosed with cancer. His surgery is next week. So many hard things happening.

    I guess we all make it one step at a time, eh?

    ((hugs)) You are an amazing writer.

  69. I found you through Woman in a Window.

    I just lost my Dad. My husband has been diagnosed with cancer. His surgery is next week. So many hard things happening.

    I guess we all make it one step at a time, eh?

    ((hugs)) You are an amazing writer.

    1. thank you so very much for dropping by x

  70. And just at the moment--I read this entry again, and realized this dear lady has gone to heaven. Well, I hope she has a chance to meet Daddy--the two of them must be giggling like mad up there.

    Blessings to all of you who love her.

  71. Dear Saz and family, Moannie was the friend I never met. An inspiration in more ways than I can tell you. I send you my deepest sympathies. Thank you for keeping us posted on her struggle and for keeping this blog alive.

    With great respect,
    Montreal, Canada

  72. Remembering Moannie this holiday season and thinking of your family, keeping you all in my prayers.

  73. I am extremely sad to hear this terrible news... I haven't been blogging for a couple of years now but something called me to visit my blog today and I found your message through Moannie's Blog.
    When I was blogging every day I always spoke to Moannie and loved her posts, we exchanged so many messages throughout some years and I am extremely sad to hear of her passing... very sad.
    Thinking of her family at this sad time...
    Goodbye Moannie, it was an honour to have spoken to you, an honour to have read your wise and intelligent words.
    See you in heaven dear friend xxx

  74. Today I posted some cloud art...and you, my sweet Moannie, loved it so much when I posted some before that you wanted more. If only you were still here to cheer me on. You always had such encouraging words to say to us....and so kind. I miss you still.

    1. I think it is wonderful how so many of you keep commenting and emailing me, more than once, revisiting here...for a moment, remembering...
      I visit here often....thank you!! x x

  75. I would like to echo Saz's sentiments. It is so uplifting to return here and see the outpouring of love and affection for my mother. The pain is still so severe and I miss her terribly. We are so proud of the affect she had on you all, as she did on us. Coming back to her blog feels like she's with us still and I keep expecting to see a new piece of writing. I used to be quite cynical about how genuine the comments were but you have all shown me that you can really touch people's hearts and minds and build real friendships without ever meeting. Thank you so much.

  76. Tonight I am thinking of you, Moannie. Molly Annie....and wishing I had known you for real....wishing I had found your blog before I have read it before you deleted it accidentally. I have made many friends in this blog world since your departure, but none of them have the compassion and honesty and wisdom that you had....and I truly miss you still. How could someone who I only read on a blog for a year have such an impact on my life? You did. I hope there is an afterlife...and I hope that I will get to sit and talk to you for hours and hours and have your wonderful stories told to me....hugs, dear sweet lady.

    1. lovely to see you here again....and read you sweet words!!
      I do have mums old blog posts somewhere..indeed I know they are saved to her beloved PACO pc, so I promise when I am down I will try and find them and think about how I can pull them together, perhaps in a book?

      that sounds good to me!!

      lots of love Saz xx

  77. Hi Mum!! Dropping by again, as I do often, but wanted to speak to you this time...I sometimes text your phone, unsure where it is now, lying in some drawer prob....
    you know, for me it doesn't feel you are gone...I mean I KNOW you have gone...but your character and stories and your life has left such a deep impression on psyche that I carry you with me..and talk as if you are indeed with me..

    it is are still here...with us all..

    I know you are watching us all, I feel it daily

    lots of luv,
    your Sazzie xx

  78. I have been reading your mom's blog this morning as I sit here in the room with my dying mom. Not sure this is the right blog to be reading at this time, but with limited tv viewing and no support other than hospice I need a diversion. Looks like my mom is on the same cancer path, and it sure sucks. Very nice of you to keep the blog up. Hugs to you.

  79. Hey there Saz....and wherever you are, Moannie. I was at The Smitten Image blog tonight and it's her 6th anniversary blogging. That led me to tell her that I, also, have been blogging for 6 years this November, but for the first 4 years, no one but family visited my blog. Then I was looking at The Blog of the Month or Day, whichever it was Blogger was doing then, and saw your blog, Moannie, and I came here and fell in love with you...and your words and your humor and your wisdom and kindness.....and that you then came and visited my blog and were so encouraging to me. I miss you so much still. I know, as Saz does, that you are still here in I just want you to know how very much you impacted lives with your sweetness and kind words! Hugs!


    first one without you,
    I cant believe the time is whizzing by so...

    I feel you watching me often..

    love always
    Sazzie x x x

  81. Thinking of you always Moonbeams. Have you sailed across the sun? Have you made it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded and is heaven overrated? JJ

  82. Moannie has been on my mind so much lately....such a beautiful smiley face and gracious ways. I hope your Pa is doing well.......I am very glad to have met him....and Milou..... when I met your lovely Ma....time goes by and I suspect she would have wise words to say about this and that - the little and big things in life.
    I watched The Artist recently and was reminded of Moannie saying how much she had enjoyed it.....she was right, it was a lovely film.

  83. Just over here to re-read a bit. Your Mum was such a good storyteller! Love...

  84. Does your site have a contact page? I'm having trouble locating it but, Id like to send you an email. I've got some ideas for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great website and I look forward to seeing it grow over time.

    Best Cardsharing

  85. Moannie is on my mind, today so I thought I would stop by to be closer. We miss you, dear lady.

    Saz, I hope that you and your dad are doing well.. and the pooch, too.


    1. Hi Hilary, we are all doing fine hun, thanks so much!
      saz x

  86. You'll be forever in my heart.

  87. Was visiting House of Lime tonight and the way she told the story about the worst winter she ever lived through made me remember the way Moannie would tell a story.....and how I felt like I was there with I felt tonight at House of Lime.....had to come say hello. I hope you are having good times in the after life, dear Moannie....and I hope you know how much we all loved you!!

    1. I saw the post and often think the same as I read Lime's posts... x x

  88. Aww I saw Leave it to Davis' comment over at Limes and thought I'd stop by here. I have to second her sentiments. Always remembered and loved. And so missed.

    1. thank you Hilary! Lovely sentiments here...its so comfrting to drop in, sit back and breathe Mums words in...sigh x x x

  89. Just found out. Sorry, Saz. Most of my blogging buddies are long gone, and I was just wandering around, visiting some favorites, when I stumbled upon this post. I didn't know she had died. I miss the old days.

    Moannie was a wonderful writer, artist, and observer of the human condition. She touched many people in very significant ways. I'm proud to say I was one of them.

    1. Hi |Stephen,
      thank you for your kind words..
      ...I too havent been around very much...

      Moannie is much missed and it is wonderful to come back here from time to time...and breathe her words in

      Sara x

  90. Dear ReadersJp,

    It is sad news I have to tell you. Moannie's husband JP, of 53+ years, died on 5th March 2014, peacefully at home.

    Although this came unexpectedly and was obviously a shock to the three of us, we have seen through the month and celebrated his life at his recent funeral.

    They are together again.

    Saz, John, Rachele x

  91. Oh Saz, John and Rachele,

    I am SO sorry to hear this sad news. I loved Moannie's stories about JP and the rest of you. My heart aches for you and the losses you've endured. I hope you can all take comfort in knowing they continue their saga together once again.

    May I suggest to anyone who doesn't know Moannie's tales of JP to just scroll up to the top of her blog and enter JP into the search window. All of her blog posts which mention him will show up for your reading pleasure. (don't miss the one about the bed)

    Hugs to you and yours, Saz. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  92. HI Saz, just realised that JP passed away on March 5 - I had no idea. My very sincere condolences. I always hoped our families would meet, because I often told Moannie that she and my Mum would have got along like a house on fire. I've never forgotten that Moannie referred to me as "Sir Knight". So instead of looking for one star in the wide sky, I now need to look for two, very close together - Moannie and JP. Very warm regards. David McMahon (Authorblog).

    1. Saz, I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing, too. Poor dears. It breaks my heart. D

  93. I'm so truly sorry for your loss:(
    When I used to blog every day for 4 years your Mum's blog was the one I always read religiously with my first morning mug of tea... we often exchanged messages via her and my blog. I loved her funny stories and she seemed to understand me and always had very wise and very kind words.
    It is the greatest tribute keeping her Blog here, this wonderful lady living on in the virtual world for all friends and newcomers to read her wonderful words.
    I haven't written anything on my Blog (not even logged on) for 4 years but I logged on today and had to write this.
    God Bless you and your family. x x x

    1. Donnie, I've missed you, too. I miss my dear blogging friends, and we've lost quite a few, haven't we? Peace, D

  94. Thanks for your recent visit, Saz. It was lovely to see you again. Of course your Mum's beautiful face will remain on my sidebar for as long as I'm blogging. She was a huge part of what made it a fun endeavor for me. She's with me in blogging spirit at all times.

  95. I've been away from blogging for a very long time, so I'm just reading through the posts of my old favorites. Your mother was a gem. One of the very best, and she had such a positive and witty outlook on life.

    What is it that they said in "Fried Green Tomatoes"? "She was a lady, and a lady always knows when it's time to leave."

    I intend to go back and read what I missed her and feel your mother's spirit close as she watches and waits for me to see that next bit of wit and wisdom.

    Peace, D

  96. Hello, I have come across this sad post as I was searching for Mr or Mrs Fabre. We have found some documents in our attic , mostly relating to Cumberland care home.If any relation of Mr or Mrs Fabre would like them please contact me at . Thank you.

  97. Moanie, I knew you in blog land only.... and for a relatively short time, yet today, I found myself thinking about you. Wish you were still here. Missing your encouraging words....

  98. Thinking of you Moanie, hope you have met my darling Maria . . . :) xx

  99. Thinking of you today, dearest Moannie. I miss you. <3

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