Friday 20 April 2012


Went to see my Oncologist yesterday. A scheduled visit to learn the results of my latest scan and find out if the Fecker is resisting or waving surrender. She shows me the first scan taken of my chest some months ago and puts the latest scan next to it and the effect is startling. Not gone completely, that would be a miracle, but reduced from half my lung to a mere small strip that will be smithereened by my next and last chemo. I now have a good chance of a period of remission where I shall be back to my old fighting form and my garden party idea is firming up.

NOAOS who was with me, grinned like a good 'un and gave me a high five...Saz hooted and punched the air [she told me she did, she was on the phone] and Lita Mona burst into tears of joy and relief when I called her; and JP smiled and hugged me.

 How can I fail to get better when wrapped in so much love?

Now we can concentrate on NOAOS's op in two weeks time and JP's triple A stent op.


  1. I've got tears in my eyes and I don't even know you. Way to go, Moannie!!!

  2. Fantastic news... reminds me to live in today more as I have no idea if tomorrow will even come

  3. Fantastic news! Keep up the fight.

  4. You've been in my thoughts and prayers. I am so happy for your good news. Well done you!

  5. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont slack off now, you have to keep fighting even tho you are winning, the battle is over .. but the war continues!

  6. High five, jump for joy! xxx
    So good to hear the good news, Moannie.
    Makes my day, it really does!
    Warm hugs,

  7. Wa----ay! That is excellent news. You & I are giving the Fecker a bit of a problem. Its good though, isn't it? Lets stay on top of it!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  8. Yes, Yes, Yes! Absolutely fabulous news...

  9. AWESOMENESS! Really great news, Moanie! And, doesn't it just make your heart leap for joy when a doctor tells you something that positive though? I can relate to that feeling as with my last go-round with the chemo I was scheduled to have 6 treatments from September of 2010 thru February of 2011 but my oncologist told me in December that would be my last chemo because he felt I had done so well I wouldn't need the last 2 rounds! Makes a person feel like you can run, skip and jump again -just the way you did when you were a kid or at least maybe only as old as 30? (Note: I couldn't run, jump and skip again now if my life depended on it, but that day, I sure felt like I should do that!) Bet you felt the same way!!!

  10. Moannie I am smiling from ear to ear reading this! great news! Keep on keeping on x

  11. Yes!!!!
    Hang in there, fight the good fight. So much of love all around, Moanie, and you still have the garden party to attend to.

  12. YES! YES! YES! So happy for you so you just keep on keeping on! Wish I could attend your lovely-sounding garden party! Hugs from Western Canada!


  13. Sorry, dear Moannie....I have to say can delete this after you read it, but I KNEW GOD WOULD SPARE YOUR LIFE!!!! Praise God!!! I had too many conversations with Him telling Him you had too much to teach us out here....we needed to learn so much more from your wonderful, giving, loving spirit.
    Also, give your doctors a big hug, too. They do deserve a little credit since theirs were the hands He worked through.
    And you deserve a huge hug for doing your part, too. We all love you so much out here in blog land. You have made my heart sing.

    1. Dear LITD I would no more delete your post than fly to the is love like this that has helped me to keep fighting and I sincerely thank you.

    2. Just today, two different ladies that I work with told me their moms have breast cancer, the other esphageal cancer. I told them about you and your strong will and how hard you have fought to win this battle and about the progress you have made. It helped to lift both of their spirits and now they have hope that their moms will be able to win over the Fecker! See what light you have shed far across the ocean and all the way down to Texas!!! Your life is a candle in the dark and you are showing others the way and you don't even know it. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!!!

  14. Such wonderful news! Life goes on.

  15. Respond to every call that excites your spirit...rumi

    great news- so very happy for you

  16. Fantastic news! Congratulations!

  17. this news is simply wonderful! I am so happy for you and for those who love you!

  18. My info comes from life, Adelina.

  19. Good good. Very pleased to hear this, whether it's the result of God or just good fortune happening to people who deserve it.

    (I'm sad I won't get to hear more about Adelina's mission, it sounds fascinating.)

  20. HOOOOOOOORAY!!!!! This rainy day has just become sunny.

  21. that's WONDERFUL news!!!! i am so very glad to hear it!

  22. Oh Moannie! I am so thrilled. This is the best news. Huge hugs to you. :) Yay! Leave it to you to be more stubborn than cancer. :)

  23. I'm sorry I didn't see this when it was first posted, four days ago. That would have given me four more days to be filled with joy!!!

    I am so extremely happy to hear this news, Moannie. God bless you!

  24. Keep us updated with the good news, Darling! More, please!

  25. It has been two weeks. Has your son had his operation? If so, how did he do? How about JP? I pray you are all doing well and you are gaining strength rapidly. When you have time and feel up to it, let us know. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.
