Tuesday 6 March 2012


Six months ago JP and I had it all sussed out, life was routine, uneventful and bordering on the boring. That was the time when you could set your watch by the morning and afternoon dog walks, by breakfast lunch and dinner. There were my jobs-housework, shopping, dog, cooking-and his usually involving a chopper and wood or secateurs and wood.

Then the Flecker arrived and everything changed overnight.
The carer became the cared for.

At first it was impossibly hard for him, and a man for whom exercise meant a short walk to the end of the road each morning and a swing around the Supermarket once a week now had two dog walks a day and countless trips up and down our 16 very steep stairs [actually he did count the times one day but gave up at 29] He has learnt to cook  adding to his repertoire of tomato sauce he can  now present me with a perfectly boiled egg and toast soldiers, pasta's and various vegetables.  He helped me bathe and dress for five weeks before the helped kicked into place and now that is the only thing he doesn't have to do for me on a bad day.

And I am a bad tempered harridan and rarely say thank-you...so here is my very public declaration of gratitude for the brilliant way he has turned so many minuses into pluses. One of which is that he now is super fit.



  1. Ah, yes, life has a way of surprising us. Glad to know JP is now super-fit. You'll be back on your feet and will be walking those dogs soon enough.
    As usual, I hear a bright mind behind these words.
    I'm glad I stopped by.

  2. You seem to be growing in a good way with this challenge as does he.

  3. Well done, JP. You sound brilliant.
    I would be really stuffed if I couldn't do things here because my other half couldn't cope now.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  4. When the call came He stood up to help. Even if the food isn't gourmet. Always good to say thank you. Keep working it and get better.

  5. I just got back from vacation, so am glad to come here and find you both feisty (the previous post) and loving (this one.) And, most important, alive and giving it everything you've got. LOVE YOU, MOANNIE!

  6. How lovely to give JP such a public thank you. Mind you, you say you are a bad-tempered harridan but I bet he does get his share of private thank you's as well. By your looks if not necessarily your words. Thinking of both of you.

  7. Now that was a sweet tribute to JP but my own opinion of your use of the term "harridan" - when one is sick, tired, being out-of-sorts does sort of come with the turf and I doubt seriously that anyone would consider your behavior to qualify for that wording! (And even if you did now and again, give yourself a break and pat on the back for having survived it all anyway!)

  8. Please say thank you to JP in my name too, it is so good to know that you have such a loving caring husband around in times of need. Much love, Merisi

  9. You made me get teary-eyed. Isn't it wonderful to have a life's partner who doesn't bail out on you when the times get rough. You are a very lucky woman to have a man who adores and loves you so much. I personally know some women that have had their husbands leave them in just exactly the same cases. Seriously. You have a one in a million. Of course, so does he.

  10. That is what 'in sickness and in health' is all about.

  11. That's sweet, really......we never know, do we, how it's going to turn out...who will be taking care of who. Bravo to him....and you.

  12. sounds like you married your prince.

  13. What a lovely and loving post. You sound positive and fit and I salute you and your 'prince'...

  14. well done JP and brava Moanie for thanking him publicly

  15. He sounds fabulous and well deserving of public praise!

  16. It's amazing what we can cope with when forced to. You are both doing so well considering all that is going on.

  17. I can hear you purring now at JP's super-fitness! It's about time you were looked after, Moannie, after years of looking after your love and sweet Milou!

    Hugs and kisses, just gentle ones...

    Fhina xxx

  18. That sly dog fate seems determined to have the last laugh. On the very day that I post this last one JP goes to see his doctor and comes back with the news that he has something called AAA, triple A or Abdominal Aortic Anueryism Complicated name for something nasty.

    I could well ask: WHY?

    Thank you all for your lovely comments...oh and I must thank Libby for her surprise visit last week.

  19. Such a sweet post but I'm so sorry to read your own comment here. Hopefully he'll be treated and back on the road to good health. Hang tough.

  20. What a lovely post - see, this is what marriage is all about, isn't it? Finding a life partner who is a friend as well as a lover, and who will step up when the going gets tough and smooth the path for you.

    So I'm particularly sorry to read about the 'Triple A' he's been diagnosed with. I hope it's some comfort to know that our elderly neighbour had this a number of years ago and collapsed at home. It was the first he knew that he had a problem, but he had an op, was out of hospital surprisingly quickly and is now fit and well and he still dances, and still gardens.

    Now is the time to accept outside help. It's something nobody ever wants to do, but sometimes it's necessary. Many hugs to both of you. xx

  21. clearly, in sickness or in health, for better or worse meant something to him. though the flecker is just that i am glad to know you are blessed with a keeper in jp.
