Tuesday 29 May 2012

This and That

Lately I have been disorientated. There has been a terribly bright object in the sky sending down rivers of heat. Even the nights have been warm. I have been going out to sit in its glow, coming inside again when I got too hot and in between just sitting, agog with wonder at the apparition which caused people to shed clothing [especially blokes who really shouldn't] and actually made everyone smile for no reason.

Today the madness is over; the skies are grey and overcast and it just might rain...heyho!

I am beginning to get over my baldness. Something appears to be sprouting...very white and curly, about half a centimetre...people stare...and for the briefest of moments think "Ah!" and "Thank God it isn't me." then they look away, embarrassed knowing I know what they're thinking  for I would have thought the same...before.

Began a book which I shall definitely finish. Called Triptych  by the aptly named Karin Slaughter it is a murder mystery. A writer new to me but she is good, very good, incredible plotting and in depth detailing not often I'm page turning with shaking hands...even though I did suss out the bad guy early on the race is on to see true justice done.

It didn't rain after all.


  1. We had a brief taste of that weird bright orb in the sky here, too, but today I had to put on a sweater. I'd like to put the furnace on but I'm having the downstairs loo painted and it gets too hot in there for the painters. So I shall keep bundled up and drink lots of hot tea. In no time at all, you'll be prouding displaying a lovely curly head of hair. You might find you like to keep it short now after not needing to bother with it for a while. I bet you look gorgeous any way you wear it. I saw Saz's portrait of you and you are gorgeous! I can tell that you are from the inside out! Best wishes.

  2. Glad to hear you're able to enjoy at least a little sunshine once in a while and that your hair is growing back.

  3. Things are looking up! You still have that pep and verve, inimitable Moanie!

  4. Nice to hear from you. Do keep us up to date. Curly hair is the best.

  5. It has been in the 90'sC here and I have beendoing much volunteering outside which is not a good thing. Supposed to rain tonight. I have my fingers and toes crossed. We all look at loss of hair and recognize the scary story it tells.

  6. Karin Slaughter's books are violent! I have read several.
    Glad you are getting over the chemo. Yes...... I remember those looks from people about my hair.
    I was very proud of my new hair and I felt haughty as I walked through the crowds because I knew I'd been brave..... like you!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  7. that orb has been steaming us alive. yes, steaming, because we've been having such humidity along with it.

    you wear your new curly white hair as a badge of honor. it means you're a survivor!

  8. What a year you have been through! And now you are growing your hair back and sitting in the sun reading books. How wonderful....I am so happy for you!!!

    How is JP?

  9. Perhaps some gypsy scarves and dangly earrings until your hair has gotten longer! I can totally see you in a purple and red turban... or maybe an elegant straw summer hat with a large brim? It's raining here in New York today, too... enjoying the respite from yesterday's heat.

  10. personally I think going w/o scarf to hide something that doesnt need hiding in my opinion (not that you asked) .. you should be proud you are beating the beast .. plus white curls are charming .. and I am off to see if that book is also a eBook so I can download to my iPad .. we've had lots of heat, humidity and rain this past week I wouldnt mind a bald head vs this mess of frizz

  11. I have to agree with what Lime said. Your beautiful head, with wispy white (say that three times fast) curls is indeed a badge of honour. Enjoy the sunshine as it appears.. in weather and in life. Hugs to you, Moannie.

  12. I bet you're cute as hell in your lovely new hair! Oh, Moannie, how nice it is to hear that the many prayers said for you are being answered. Good job fighting it!

  13. Bet your new hair looks great atop your smiley face.....keep on keeping on...hope JP is well too.

  14. I'm actually listening to this in audio book form at present...so much cussing but interesting.
